Thursday, April 23, 2015

Free Post: Cannabis extract may help curb seizures in epileptics

A small study has shown that a marijuana-derived compound called cannabidiol or CBD, can help reduce the frequency of seizures in people who suffer from epilepsy. This falls into the topic of medicinal benefits of marijuana, in which many medicinal benefits have been studied and proven. If cannabis can help treat epilepsy, then it can help treat many different types of conditions. Once again, it has been shown that cannabis is extremely useful and does not deserve the reputation it generates among those who feel it is dangerous and should be illegal. Cannabidiol is taken from extracts from cannabis and is non-pysoactive, which means that patients who have been administered it won't get high. Simple compounds derived from cannabis that won't get a patient high looks very useful and hopefully more compounds are made and studied to see whether they have beneficial effects.


  1. I like how the reputation of weed is changing from being known as a drug that passed around for dealer. To being known to a drug that can help those who suffering from mental diseases.

  2. The arguement given when dicussing marijuanna can vary in terms of what would be a benefit of its legality. The majority of Americans agree that it should be legalized for its medicinal traits that help people with conditions such as epilleptic episodes. Although this may seem like a solution to a decade long question, the question remains, should it be legal for medicinal usage or simple recreational use? If it to be legalized for recreational use, would it truly be considered a viable drug in the United States?
