Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Current event: Alaska legalizes pot. The country should follow.

Alaska just became the third state after Colorado and Washington to legalize recreational pot. Alaskans can now enjoy a joint inside the luxury of their homes, which is to pot users might be the only downside to the new law legalizing pot. Regardless of where a person in Alaska can smoke their marijuana, it's another step in the right (at least, right in my opinion) direction. I'm all for marijuana legalization for both recreational and medical use. Although I personally don't use the stuff, I believe that those who do should be able to freely smoke pot without having to go through all the trouble in order to get it, secretly smoke it, and all under the danger of getting arrested for having even just a very small amount. If cigarettes, cigars, hookahs, beer, and all those type of things are legal, why can't weed, pot, however you know it by, be legal? It's less dangerous than the stuff I just mentioned. A lot of my friends and people I know smoke marijuana. I have family members who use the stuff. I wouldn't want them to be arrested and sent to prison for a year just for having a gram of pot. The benefits of legalization are enormous too, when you look at the amount of money it can bring in for state revenues. Pot should be legalized in all 50 states, period.

Link to the article about Alaska legalizing marijuana: http://www.chron.com/news/us/article/Alaska-becomes-3rd-state-with-legal-marijuana-6097962.php#photo-7565419

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Introduction Post

My name is Derek Flores and I'm a 16 year-old student from Spring Woods High School in Houston, Texas. My interests are sports, music, video games, movies, books and basically anything I find interesting, so expect me to write about a multitude of subjects in this blog. I tend to be blunt with my opinions on subjects, so please don't be offended by anything I may write concerning a particular topic. Feel free to comment on any of my posts and leave a request if curious about my opinion on a particular topic.